Meet Chris! Christopher Brazelton is the executive director of Elm Street Cultural Arts Villiage. Christopher lives in Woodstock with his wife Morgan, son Nathan, and their dogs, Tally and Fischer. He started at Elm Street in April of 2013 and has loved getting involved with the community. He holds a B.A in Theatre from Florida State University. Prior to coming to Woodstock, Christopher founded Leave Your Mark Productions in Tallahassee, FL, where he built a volunteer base of 400 people and produced over 25 productions with a vision that each ticket contributing to social justice issues globally. Now, Christopher is focused on Elm Street programs to create vibrancy and engage the community with everything that the organization does. This includes the Reeves House art center, a visual arts venue which will include a gallery, makers space, and an on-site cafe. Being a somewhat serial entrepreneur, he is excited to see the next steps the organization takes and can’t wait for you to be a part of it.