4-Week Watercolor

4-Week Watercolor




On Wednesdays

Class Location


This class is for beginners, or those with limited experience with watercolor. We will explore how the paint moves with the water, experience how different paper reacts with the paint, practice layering color to add depth and shading, how colors blend, brushstrokes and basic drawing. Participants will have two finished pieces and gain more confidence with the medium.



Supplies List

Palette – any style, white, 

plastic Mason jar, or something to hold water 

Paint: • 

Cool Red – Permanent Alizarin Crimson • 

Warm Red – Cadmium Red Light, Light Red or Vermillion •

 Cool Blue: Ultramarine Blue or Cobalt blue •

 Warm Blue: Thalo Blue  or Prussian blue• 

Warm Yellow: Yellow Ochre or Raw Sienna •

 Cool Yellow: Light Yellow • 

Earths: Sepia, or Burnt Sienna • 

Payne’s grey •


Size 10 round watercolor brush 

Size 5 or 6 round watercolor brush 

3/4 or 1 inch Flat wash watercolor brush 

Size 1 or 3 Rigger watercolor brush 


Kneaded eraser

At least 10 sheets of watercolor paper: 9×12, can be hot press or cold press, can be in a tablet or a block. Some examples are Canson 9×12 Portrait, Wirebound or Watercolor pad; Arches 9×12 watercolor block, 140 lb.



Holly Payton


Holly started painting with oils at age 14. While she worked predominantly in oils for many years, ten years ago, she decided to switch mediums and devote herself to improving her Watercolor skills. Holly is anxious to pass along what she’s learned to those starting out. Holly has a lively and energetic teaching style.


If you have any questions, please let us know.

Watercolor in the Wild

Watercolor in the Wild




On Thursdays

Class Location


Learn to do plein air painting and urban sketching! Each week we’ll go to a different location around Woodstock to make work on location. (If the weather is bad, we’ll retreat to the Reeves House to work from photos.) We’ll discuss different techniques for working quickly, and create a fresh plein air piece during each class. Students encouraged to keep their supply kit lightweight and fast to set up. ** Please note that this class will be mostly outside! We won’t be hiking, but there will some walking and sitting in the sticky Georgia heat. ** Zero experience, some experience, and intermediate experience levels are all welcome!
There will be no class held on April 3rd.

Recommended Art Supplies:

a small block of watercolor paper

– cold-press paper is a good choice if you want to focus on painting

– hot-press paper is a good choice if you want to draw with ink and then paint

– smaller sizes like 5”x7”or 8”x10” are best for painting fast

a pigment ink pen

– single-width 0.5 (or larger) – Sakura Pigma Micron or Faber-Castell Pitt Pens are good choices

a small watercolor set 

– pans are easier to transport, but tubs offer more options

Watercolor Brushes

– a reservoir brush with water in the handle is really convenient – but regular short-handle watercolor brushes are also great!

a mechanical pencil

a paper towel (or an old washcloth)

Optional Art Supplies:

artist or painters’ tape

a binder clip (or bulldog clip)

a compact travel easel (if you like to work upright)


Allison Frink

Allison has been creating since she was old enough to hold a crayon. She earned a BFA in Animation and has been teaching and organizing community art classes since 2006. She loves trying new mediums, learning new skills, and sharing that knowledge. Current favorites include watercolors, drawing, jewelry, and fiber arts. 



If you have any questions, please let us know.