Join us for “Screen on the Green” a free movie series out on the Woodstock Arts Event Green!
Our movie for June, is The Lorax
Twelve-year-old Ted (Zac Efron) lives in a place virtually devoid of nature; no flowers or trees grow in the town of Thneedville. Ted would very much like to win the heart of Audrey (Taylor Swift), the girl of his dreams, but to do this, he must find that which she most desires: a Truffula tree. To get it, Ted delves into the story of the Lorax (Danny DeVito), once the gruff guardian of the forest, and the Once-ler (Ed Helms), who let greed overtake his respect for nature.
113 Elm St., Woodstock, GA, 30188, United States
We’re excited you’ve decided to join us. We’ve got some tips, suggestions, and recommendations to make your first time visit an excellent experience.
If you have any questions, please let us know.
Admission is free
As Woodstock Arts has grown we are determined to continue providing accessible programming, like Screen on the Green! We can’t do that without your help! Please donate if you are able so we can continue our free programming!